I make games. 🎲

I'm mainly interested in tabletop games, particularly card games, RPGs (I am a forever GM) and small silly board games. I'm also interested in interactive fiction.

My current main project is Monsters on a Cruise Ship, written with AceEmpress. It is a queer dating show RPG about being monsters on a cruise ship trying to find your soulmate to avoid being thrown overboard.

I also recently wrote and designed A Run on Epiphany with AceEmpress, which is a piece of interactive fiction which spoiled a Netrunner card in NSG's The Automata Initiative. There's a pair of postmortems discussing the writing and design process: one by me and one by AceEmpress.

Projects which will hopefully make their way to this page soon include: Four Robots Which Are Bad At Football (a programming board game played with a deck of cards where you desperately try to get the robots to score a goal), All Boxed In (an area control game involving stressed boxfish) and Murder Jenga (a jenga-based wargame where you flick dice at your opponent's jenga towers to deal damage to them).

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Monsters on a Cruise Ship

A Run on Epiphany